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Yesterday ? It was only a vine plant…Today? It’s just a grape…

Tomorrow? It will be only a wine…

Just a wine?

In 10 years, what will it be? But in 20 years?

What is the legacy that will remain after us?

We honor existing vineyards and prepare them for the future. It’s not just a passion for us, we don’t just put our soul, we put a lot of science and research into the future. We wish the longevity of the vineyard, We want regular and rich harvests in the baskets, with grapes at optimal maturity for maximum potential for our wines. We are convinced that we will only be able to achieve this if we learn precise management of the soil, if we are careful to ensure optimal plant health, if we correctly manage the work in the vineyard according to the specificity of the soil and the different varieties and different climates.

Come with us to see and learn from the greatest national and international specialists in the field of viticulture?