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The website “www.winovation-expo.com” is owned and operated by the undersigned WINETECH SOLITIONS S.R.L., with registered office in Otopeni, Ilfov county, Strada Mesteacanului, No. 8C, app. 13, registered at the Trade Registry Office under no. J23/3758/2023, fiscal code 48301725.

The content of the site is addressed to a target audience, in particular, connoisseurs of the wine industry, consisting of owners and employees of wineries and wine producers, sommeliers, tasters, traders, suppliers, wine enthusiasts s.a., as well as any persons interested in the news and information presented on the site. The information presented through the website is addressed to any age segment, it is the responsibility of guardians, guardians and parents to exercise control, directly responsible for the supervision, growth and education of those with limited exercise capacity or no exercise capacity (minor, irresponsible, legally prohibited). Alcoholic beverages are not sold directly through our website.

These “Regulations” establish the conditions for viewing the site, using some functions and services and purchasing the products sold through the site. Thus, in the Regulations, any User / Visitor will find the rules for access, registration (account creation), subscription to receive periodic information (news-letter), the conditions of access to the services provided, for each section (content on the website), methods of purchase and payment of goods and services, all of which are subject to these terms, except where special conditions will be stipulated for each individual case. Visitors can access a limited content of information, free of charge, in contrast, users of a service can access a wider range of functions, depending on the account and tariff plan chosen (if applicable) and the range of services purchased individually.

Any person, Visitor/User of the site, is obliged to be aware of the content of these Regulations. By using the site, by logging into it and by accessing the services offered, you accept the General Terms and Conditions stipulated below, with all the legal consequences arising from them, as well as the “Privacy Policy”, “Cookie Policy”, “Personal data processing policy – G.D.P.R.” etc.


  • Visitor – natural person viewing the site, who does not have an Account or who is not connected to it and who implicitly undertakes to comply with this set of rules, being responsible for his actions on the site. Any visitor can subscribe to receive periodic information (news-letter);
  • User – any natural person, having the declared age of over 18 years, or any legal person who registers on the Site and who, by completing the account creation process, has given his express consent to the terms and conditions of the Site from these Regulations or from the specific sections in which he registered and who implicitly undertakes to comply with this set of rules, being responsible for his actions on the site;
  • Account – registration in a section of the Site with the help of an e-mail address and a password that allows the User to access some functions or purchase some services, in the form of an order. The account will contain information about the User and his history on the Site (Orders, Tax Invoices, etc.). The User is responsible and will ensure that all information entered when creating the Account is correct, complete and up-to-date;
  • Goods and Services – any product or service listed on the Site, addressed to visitors and users, natural and legal persons, which facilitates access to the content of the site and to the products sold through it;
  • Specifications / offer – all specifications and/or descriptions of products and/or services as stated on the website;
  • Newsletter – means of periodic, exclusively electronic information, via electronic mail (e-mail, SMS), on activities, news, relevant profile information, news from the wine industry, products, services and/or promotions carried out (generically referred to as “communications commercial”) by S.C. WINETECH SOLUTIONS S.R.L. in a certain period;
  • Order – the request to access the products/services made available on the website, sent through an electronic document that acts as a form of communication between the undersigned S.C. WINETECH SOLUTIONS S.R.L. and user;
  • Contract – represents the remote contract concluded between the User, as a buyer, and the undersigned S. WINETECH SOLUTIONS S.R.L., as a seller, without the simultaneous physical presence of the parties, with the object of providing/providing a service or selling some goods. The listing of services and/or products on the site constitutes an offer to sell, under the terms and conditions displayed, and placing an order constitutes an offer to purchase. The contract is concluded after confirmation of payment, if applicable, or after confirmation of the order by the Seller. Contracts concluded in the online system, for the purchase of goods and services, are governed by Emergency Ordinance no. 34/2014 regarding consumer rights in contracts concluded with professionals, if the User is a natural person and by the Romanian Civil Code approved by Law no. 71/2011, if the User is a legal person;
  • Regulation – this Regulation and its annexes, which establish the rules for using the Site. The updated version of the Regulation is available on the Site at any time, in a form that provides the possibility of downloading, saving to the hard drive of the device or printing it. We reserve the right to permanently update this Regulation, the new version being directly applicable to subscribers and users from the moment of its notification. To the extent that subscribers and users do not accept our new conditions, they have the possibility to withdraw from the Contract, by unilaterally canceling the subscription, requesting cancellation of the account, registration or subscription to the newsletter, without the possibility of reimbursement of advanced expenses. Visitors will accept the version available at the time of accessing the site.


Accessing the site is permitted, in compliance with the principle of good faith, for informational purposes and for the use and purchase of goods and services provided on the site. Thus, misuse is prohibited.

It is not permitted to use this site for the purpose of deliberately introducing viruses or any other program or material that may be technically harmful or destructive. Attempts to gain unauthorized access to this site, the server on which it is hosted or any other server, computer or database in connection with this site are prohibited. By accepting the Terms and Conditions you agree not to attack this site through a denial of service or distributed denial of service attack. Failure to comply with the provisions of this clause will be reported to the competent authorities with a view to the application of legal sanctions and will result in the immediate suspension of the right to use this site.

WINETECH SOLUTIONS S.R.L., will make every effort to ensure safe navigation on the site, but will not be able to guarantee that the servers on which it is hosted or the e-mails sent are free of viruses or other potentially harmful computer components, that it does not contain errors, omissions, defects, delays or interruptions in operation or transmission, line drops or any other similar factors. Please note that you use the website at your own risk, underwritten by WINETECH SOLUTIONS S.R.L. not being in any way responsible for any direct or indirect damages caused by using or accessing/visiting the site or as a result of using the information on the site.

WINETECH SOLUTIONS S.R.L. will not be responsible for any errors or omissions that may occur in the drafting or presentation of the materials on the site, without this provision affecting your rights under the law. Thus, it is to your advantage to ensure that you have adequate defense systems installed to protect your computer from viruses and/or any other harmful content.

Any links (“Link Page”) to other sites or third party materials, if any, posted on our site are provided for informational purposes only and we do not assume any responsibility for their content these pages and materials, for products or services promoted or marketed through these sites, which are not under our control or direction. In the case of using these links or references, the general conditions of use corresponding to those sites will apply.

WINETECH SOLUTIONS S.R.L. will ensure the confidentiality of your data, namely the authentication data, the password and all other details related to the account created on the website “www.winovation-expo.com“, in accordance with the Privacy Policy presented below. However, it is your responsibility to ensure that account information created on the Site remains confidential at all times and is not passed on to third parties. By accepting this policy, you agree to inform us, through the contact section, as soon as possible if you reasonably suspect that the security of your account is at risk.

Through this regulation, we inform you that the prices of products and services listed by other websites, publishers, bookstores or during presentations, exhibitions and/or other live events do not apply to purchases made on the website and vice versa.

The offer/prices are valid for the term and conditions displayed on the website. In the situation where the validity period of the offer has been exceeded, you can contact us through the contact form to confirm the existing offer or to obtain a new offer.

For any complaints and/or suggestions regarding the site and our activity, we invite you to write to us at the official email address in the contact section.


To access the website, respectively the presentation sections, registration is not required. In this case, you will have the status of a visitor.

The subscription to the news-letter is done without registration, only by the simple voluntary provision of contact data, e-mail address and/or telephone number.


The procedure for registering an exhibitor begins by providing the data from the Register as Exhibitor form. The requested data are name and surname / company name, a valid email address, as well as any other data requested, expressly, necessary to provide the requested service. The contact person indicated in the form will be contacted by a representative of Winetech Solutions SRL to complete the registration procedure.

Registration as a visitor is done by completing the Register as Visitor form. The invitation to participate in the event will be sent to the email address provided in the form.

In order to fulfill the User’s obligations, we reserve the right (but not the obligation) to verify the correctness of the registration data and the User’s activity, and if it is found that the information provided by the User is inaccurate, incomplete or the purpose of the registration is not the one stated or is an illegal one, we reserve the right to deny the user access to the services offered on the site.


Stylized representations, graphic creation, associated logos and symbols and their combinations with any word or graphic symbol, photographs, audio-video materials, content used on this site, as well as any informative material / article brought to the public under the Winetech Solutions S.R.L are our exclusive property / use. All intellectual property rights owned by third parties, cited / taken from and/or other sources, as well as other information that is public or notorious by nature (for example: normative acts, press releases, etc.) are excluded.

Reproduction of information is authorized provided the source is acknowledged. Thus, distribution and redistribution through social media channels of articles and hyperlinks that refer directly to the source is permitted, but without the possibility of any person appropriating the content or publishing the material creating this appearance. Also, in the case of specialized works, citing the source of the information is imperative.

Visitors / Users may not take over the content of the site, may not intervene, modify or delete its content (text, images, logos, etc.). Any violation of this rule constitutes an infringement of copyright, trademark or any other intellectual property right and is punishable by law.

It is not allowed to copy, multiply, distribute, archive or keep, by any means, without our consent, regardless of the intended purpose, the existing materials on the site or the purchased materials, as well as not limited to: brochures, E-books, etc.

If it will be allowed to publish on the site images, comments, reviews, personal opinions or others that are likely to be protected by intellectual property rights, by visitors/users, the responsibility for their content rests exclusively with the users in question. We reserve the right to censor any post that violates the law, the general rules of moral conduct (good morals) and or these Regulations.

In conclusion, any use of the Site Content for purposes other than those expressly permitted by these Regulations and/or without our consent is prohibited.


Winetech Solutions S.R.L. will maintain the confidentiality of any information you provide. The disclosure of the information provided will only be possible under the conditions mentioned in this Regulation or with the consent of the owner of the information.

By creating and using the Account, the User assumes responsibility for maintaining the confidentiality of the Account data (username and password) and for managing access to the Account.

No public statement, press release, posting, promotion or any other way of disclosure to third parties may be made by the User regarding the Order/Contract without our prior written consent.

By submitting information, data or other materials through this site, you grant unrestricted and irrevocable access to them, the right to use, reproduce, display, modify, transmit and distribute such materials or information, to the extent that they do not contain personal data, for which GDPR conditions apply. From lower. You also agree that the Seller may freely use, for its own / commercial / advertising purposes, such information, ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques that you have submitted to us through the Site.


Winetech Solutions SRL is a personal data operator. We collect the following types of personal data from you: name, surname, email address, CNP, date of birth, Telephone, Customer ID, Subscription, Navigation history, Billing address;

The following data are processed in the legitimate interest of our company according to its economic activity as well as for the following expressly stated purposes:

In order to respond to your messages in the contact form, we process the following data:

  • Name and surname – we need this data to be able to personalize your address.
  • E-mail – we use the e-mail address to reply to your message.
  • Message – here you can detail your needs.

In order to fulfill the contractual obligations, we will process all the data provided, according to the form completed for creating the account / subscribing to the newsletter, listed below.

For the creation of the account, the identification of the client, the execution of the contract, respectively the delivery of services, invoicing and the fulfillment of other legal obligations, we will process the following data:

  • Name, surname, age, CNP/CUI, company name if applicable, address – these are processed data, especially for invoicing, these data being mandatory according to the Romanian Fiscal Code;
  • E-mail and Telephone – for communication of information regarding the order;
  • Client ID – when creating an account, a Client ID is created to be able to identify you as a unique client in the database.

Winovation Expo Newsletter:

  • Name, surname – we use this data to personalize your address.
  • E-mail – the e-mail address we use to send you the newsletter.
  • Language of communication – we use this information to know in which language to send you the newsletter.
  • Online behavior in order to improve services.
  • Browsing history – we share this information with our partners described in the cookies policy in order to deliver personalized offers. More information can be found in the following section on our cookie policy.

What do we do with them?

Your personal data are processed within the company Winetech Solutions S.R.L. with registered office in Romania. The hosting and storage of your data takes place in Romania at NETVIBES SRL, which acts as authorized person for Winetech Solutions S.R.L.

Your personal data is also processed by the company NETVIBES SRL S.R.L. who acts as authorized person for Winetech Solutions S.R.L. ensuring the maintenance of the site.

Your personal data for browsing history is transmitted to our partners described in the cookie policy. Please see the description of these partners on this page.

How long do we keep personal data?

Your personal data in the messages will be kept for one year from the last communication, unless you become our customer.

Your personal data in the account will be kept for three years from the last activity in the account based on the legitimate interest of the operator to maintain your account in case of inactivity.

The personal data that are contained in the financial-accounting documents or in documents that are attached to the financial-accounting documents, will be kept for 10 years according to the provisions of art. 38 of Annex 1 to Order no. 2634/2015 on financial-accounting documents, issued by the Ministry of Public Finance and will not be accessed for any purpose other than the legal purpose for which they are archived. After 10 years this data will be destroyed.

Your personal data from the newsletter will be kept for the duration of the newsletter’s operation or until you choose to withdraw your consent.

Your online activity data will be kept for the lifetime of the cookies or until you decide to delete the cookies.

What are your rights?

If you have reason to believe that any personal data we hold about you is incorrect or incomplete, you have the right to request to see this information, have it rectified or have it deleted, request restriction of processing or object to processing and you also have the right to data portability. To exercise these rights, please contact us through the contact section or at the e-mail address: contact@winovation-expo.com.

For the newsletter, you have the right to revoke your consent at any time. For this please contact us at contact@winovation-expo.com or unsubscribe directly from the newsletter.

If you wish to submit a complaint regarding the way we have processed your personal data, please contact the Data Protection Officer at the following email address contact@winovation-expo.com. The Data Protection Officer will contact you to resolve the issue raised.

You can also contact the National Authority for the Supervision of Personal Data Processing at www.dataprotection.roand file a complaint with them.


Information about cookies:

To enable the proper functioning of this site and to improve the browsing experience, this site must place a small amount of information (Cookies) on your computer/device.

Certain cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of the website and to enable the use of certain technical features, thus providing you with a satisfactory user experience. Thus, thanks to cookies, the site retains, for a period of time, your actions and preferences (login, language, character size and other display preferences). This way, you don’t have to re-enter them every time you return to the site or navigate from one page to another.

To use cookies that are not necessary for the use of the site but that improve the services offered, we will ask for your approval. If you do not give us your consent for the use of certain cookies, you can continue browsing the site, but certain functionalities will not be available to you.

What are cookies and how are they used?

Cookies are harmless pieces of information stored on your computer or mobile device by our website. Cookies normally store your preferences, site settings such as your preferred language or address. Later, when you visit that site again, the Internet browser sends back the cookies of that page. This allows the site page to display content in a personalized way, because thanks to a cookie the site remembers your actions and settings for a specified period. Every time a user opens a page, the web server reads the values previously stored in the cookie.

Cookies can store a wide range of information, including personal information. This data will be used by cookies only if you have given your consent – web pages cannot access information that you have not provided and cannot access other files on your computer or mobile device.

You can change your browser settings so that you can choose whether or not to accept requests from these cookies, or delete saved cookies automatically when you close your browser, and so on. Also, if you agree to the use of cookies, you can change your option at any time.

What cookies does our website use and why?

Our website uses cookies to remember:

  • your display preferences, such as contrast, color or font size;
  • if you answered a pop-up survey regarding the usefulness of the content (so as not to be asked again);
  • if you have accepted (or not) the use of cookies on the site.

Necessary cookies – These cookies help you create a user-friendly website by enabling basic functions such as page navigation and access to secure areas of the website. The website cannot function properly without these cookies.

Analytical cookies – these are cookies that the site loads for traffic analysis purposes, such as analyzing the pages used or the time spent on the site, information used to improve the quality of the content and services offered. For this site, we use cookies from the Google Analytics system.

Marketing Cookies – Marketing cookies are used to track visitors to the Sites. The goal is to display ads that are relevant and engaging to individual users, and therefore more valuable to publishers and third-party advertisers.

A detailed list of these cookies can be found in the description of the cookie consent management tool.

How to disable cookies?

Enabling cookies is not strictly necessary for the website to function, but it can improve your browsing experience. You can delete or block cookies, but if you do this, some features of the site may not work properly. Information associated with cookies is not used to identify you personally.

When you first access the site, we will ask for your consent to the use of cookies that are not necessary.

At any time you can disable cookies that are not necessary and they will no longer be stored on your computer or device. Cookie settings can be controlled and configured in your web browser. For more details and usage instructions you can access the official website: https://www.aboutcookies.org/


The user expressly declares that he accepts the following conditions:

The use of the services provided on the website is done at one’s own risk.

Undersigned Winetech Solutions we cannot guarantee that:

  • the services and goods listed meet all the quality requirements of users, any service / good being purchased at the risk and responsibility of the User

The user expressly accepts that the undersigned Winetech Solutions cannot be liable for direct, indirect, accidental, special damages or damages, including, but not limited to: unrealized benefits or other losses arising from the impossibility of using the data, goods, services provided, unauthorized access or damage to User transmissions or data, statements or actions of a third party on the site or any other problem related to the site’s services.

Also, under the terms of the law, we are exempted from liability and/or can suspend the execution of any obligation arising from this regulation or commercial relations, when a cause beyond our control is incident, including but not limited to fortuitous events, causes of force majeure, adverse weather conditions, other actions or inactions for which we are not responsible. Force majeure is the unforeseeable event beyond the control of the parties and which cannot be avoided. The fortuitous case is an event that cannot be foreseen or prevented by the one who would have been called to answer if the event had not occurred. If within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of its occurrence, the said event does not cease, each party will have the right to notify the other party of the full termination of the Contract without any of them being able to claim other damages to the other.

If a user violates the legal provisions in force or the regulations applicable to the legal relations born by accessing the services or facilities of the site, he can be held liable according to the law.


By accessing this site, the User accepts that commercial relations, this Regulation and any dispute related to it are governed and interpreted in accordance with Romanian laws, and the User agrees to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the competent Romanian courts.

Except for European Union legislation, no other international legislation applies. This site can be accessed from outside Romania, at its own risk, in compliance with Romanian legislation and with compliance with the legislation of the country of affiliation, in which it has established its fiscal domicile.


These Regulations regulate user access and access to the products and services provided on the “www.winovation-expo.com” website. If, after the launch of the site and the publication of these terms, additional functions or services made available on the site will be implemented, they will be subject to the same rules and conditions contained in these clauses, in the event that they will not benefit from distinct conditions of the present.

By accessing this site, you accept the above conditions and agree that it has the value of a contract, concluded between the user and the undersigned Winetech Solutions S.R.L. as the owner of the website and provider of the listed goods and services. To the extent that you do not wish to comply with these Regulations, please do not visit the site and do not use the information or services provided on this site.